Benefits overview

Extra protection

The Hitachi Group Supplementary Insurance Plan offers comprehensive retirement provision and risk insurance in the event of disability and death for higher salary components that are not covered by the Hitachi Group Pension Fund. Organised as a 1e foundation, the Supplementary Insurance Plan exclusively covers non-mandatory benefits and offers its members various options to choose from:


  • Choice between three different contributions tables
  • Early or deferred retirement (from age 58 to age 70)
  • Choice between five different investment strategies


Which portion of the annual salary does the Supplementary Insurance Plan insure?


The maximum insured salary relevant for retirement savings in the Supplementary Insurance Plan is CHF 749,700 (max. annual salary of CHF 882,000, incl. 50% target bonus, less coordination deduction of CHF 132,300).

The maximum insured salary relevant for the risks of disability and death amounts to CHF 749,700 (max. annual salary of CHF 882,000, excluding the bonus component, less coordination deduction of CHF 132,300).