Hitachi Group Pension

Carefree protection

The Hitachi Group Pension provides comprehensive benefits in the occupational pension field. We offer employees of Hitachi Energy Switzerland Ltd. and their family members protection against the economic consequences of disability and death. In addition, we cover part of your accustomed standard of living in old age.

The Hitachi Group Pension consists of two foundations: the Hitachi Group Pension Fund and the Hitachi Group Supplementary Insurance Plan. Membership is determined by the salary level.


Advantages for members

  • Choice between three different contributions tables
  • Flexible retirement
  • Choice between pension and capital (Pension Fund)
  • Option to increase the partner’s pension (Pension Fund)


Organisation of the Hitachi Group Pension 

The Board of Trustees is the supreme body that represents the pension fund in all dealings with third parties. It decides on the investment strategy, adopts the Rules and lays down the principles governing the management of the employee benefits institution.

Avadis is responsible for the operational side, the administration of the Hitachi Group Pension and the investment of assets. Avadis provides the Board of Trustees with in-depth knowledge and acts as a direct point of contact for any queries from beneficiaries.


Insured salary: Hitachi Group Pension vs. mandatory BVG insurance