Avadis Vorsorge AG

Serving our members

Avadis Vorsorge AG evolved in 1999 as the management company for the ABB pension funds. Since then, the company has devoted itself to serving its clients in the demanding field of occupational pension.

Having started with just a dozen employees, Avadis now employs around 130 asset and pension specialists at its offices in Zurich and Lausanne.

Members of the Hitachi Group Pension also benefit from other services offered by the Avadis Group, such as Avadis Asset Growth for private individuals or advisory services provided by Dörig & Partner. Dörig & Partner is an Avadis subsidiary staffed by established independent experts in the field of financial planning.

Avadis serves as an outsourcing partner for pension funds and is responsible for the operational side of the management and administration of the Hitachi Group Pension Fund as well as its asset management. The Hitachi Group Pension Fund is a minority shareholder in Avadis Vorsorge AG.

Managing a pension fund requires experience and pioneering concepts. Avadis understands pension funds inside out and knows the challenges they face. Avadis works exclusively with BVG experts, supports the Board of Trustees with its extensive expertise and handles the management of projects. In addition, Avadis implements the directives of the Board of Trustees.

Avadis acts as direct point of contact for members.


Hitachi Group Pension Fund
c/o Avadis Vorsorge AG
Zollstrasse 42
P.O. Box
8031 Zurich

Phone: +41 58 585 82 87
E-mail: info@hitachigroupvorsorge.ch