Organisation – overview

In a strong position

The auditor conducts an annual audit of the Supplementary Insurance Plan. In particular, the auditor verifies that the annual financial statements, the organisation, the general management and the investment of assets comply with the requirements of the law and the Rules.

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zurich

The Board of Directors is the supreme supervisory and governing body of Avadis Vorsorge AG. It is composed as follows:

Christoph Oeschger, President
Alexander Bélaz
Christoph Käubler
Renato Merz
François Rayroux
Volker Stephan

Avadis is responsible for the operational side of the management and administration of the Hitachi Group Supplementary Insurance Plan and for the investment of assets. Avadis provides the Board of Trustees with in-depth knowledge and acts as a direct point of contact for any queries from members.

Katrin Wagner, Avadis Vorsorge AG, Managing Director
Joachim Schrott, Avadis Vorsorge AG, Deputy Managing Director

The Board of Trustees acts as the Supplementary Insurance Plan’s supreme body and is responsible for its overall management. The Board fulfils the relevant statutory duties and determines the strategic objectives and principles for the Supplementary Insurance Plan, as well as the measures required to achieve them. In addition, the Board of Trustees decides on the investment strategies, adopts the Rules and establishes the principles by which the Supplementary Insurance Plan is managed. The Board consists of three employer representatives and one employee representative.

Employer representatives

Ron Steijn, Chairman

Christoph Käubler

Katharina Ohlhoff

Employee representative

Jörg Lehmann

The Avadis Investment Foundation is a foundation under Swiss law. Its purpose is the collective investment and management of the pension assets held by employee benefits institutions. The affiliated employee benefits institutions are granted far-reaching participation rights. As the supreme body, the annual investor meeting elects the Foundation Board, decides on statutes and regulations and approves the annual financial statements. The expert committees consist of investor representatives and external experts.

The Foundation Board of the Avadis Investment Foundation is composed as follows:
Christoph Lanter, President, independent
Heinz Luggen, Vice President, independent
Dr. Matthias Bator, ABB Pension Funds
Patrick Deiss, Accelleron Pension Fund
Hans-Jürg Harder, General Electric Switzerland Pension Fund
Tharsilla Laier, General Electric Switzerland Pension Fund
Dr. Jörg Lehmann, Hitachi Group Pension Funds
Christoph Oeschger, ABB Pension Funds
Dr. Susanne Otruba, City of Zurich Pension Fund
Damian Tobler, independent
Adrian Wipf, BVK
Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Scientific advisor (University of Basel)
Tobias Zwimpfer, Canton of Solothurn Pension Fund (PKSO)

The general management is responsible for the operational management of the Supplementary Insurance Plan. Among other duties, it implements the resolutions of the Board of Trustees, decides on business that falls within the scope of the Rules and is not subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, and acts as liaison for applications submitted by members to the Board of Trustees.

Katrin Wagner, Avadis Vorsorge AG, Managing Director
Joachim Schrott, Avadis Vorsorge AG, Deputy Managing Director

The Investment and Risk Committee (IRC) assists the Board of Trustees in all investment matters and is in charge of effective risk management.

Employer representatives
Katharina Ohlhoff, Deputy Chair
Ron Steijn
Michael Theurillat (external consultant)

Employee representatives
Jörg Lehmann, Chairman
Marco Bagutti (external consultant)
Daniel Dubach (external consultant)

The occupational benefits expert handles all actuarial matters relating to the Supplemantary Insurance Plan. The expert regularly checks that the Rules and actuarial provisions comply with the law and acts as the central counterpart for the Board of Trustees in these matters.

Christoph Plüss, Allvisa AG, Zurich

The supervisory authority monitors whether the pension funds, the auditors and the occupational benefits expert comply with the statutory provisions and whether the pension assets are deployed for their intended purpose.

BVG- und Stiftungsaufsicht Aargau (BVSA), Aarau